The Perfect eBay Listing Template Design to boost Sales by 200% – #2

EBay Listing Template

Your curiosity to read the second part on having a perfect eBay listing template design to boost eBay store sales proves that you are in a desperate need of one. Don’t worry your timings are perfect. In the second half we will proceed further and learn how to practically improve conversion rates and importance of product description in a listing page design.

How to practically improve your online store Conversion Rates

You need to act immediately if 95 out of 100 buyers go away without making a purchase.

Have you calculated your conversion rates? Is it somewhere from 0.5% to 2%? let us study this with an example, say your conversion rate is roughly around 3%, this means 97 visitors out of 100 visitors visiting your listing page, go away without purchasing anything from you. Only 3 visitors get converted into real time buyers. What might be the probable reason for such a huge walk away? Reasons may vary from a poor listing design to product line and cost of the product that you are offering to the buyers.

First, figure out how many visitors have visited your eBay store listing page and find out how many visitors got converted into buyers and why? Ask them. Contact them personally or by mail. This will help you out why others fled. Well, if this big amount of visitors is flying away from your store too then what exactly is your conversion rate? Are you making online sales good or bad?

Let us see the most favorable reasons – why visitors abandon your eBay listings due to which your conversion rates get shattered.

Negative Feedbacks

Irremovable negative feedbacks without any reason will not only tarnish your online reputation but swallow your entire business. Potential buyers will read them and avoid you.

Higher product price

Low cost products fetch higher conversion rate than selling high price products. For example 4GB Pen Drive V/s Sony DSLR Camera. Conversions vary as the product and the product price varies.


A buyer complains about the broken product that is shipped to him/her. But, you don’t entertain them or even bother to reply. This is totally annoying.


It is the game changer. If the product doesn’t land in the stipulated hands you will have to pay from your pocket and get negative feedback from buyer as a bonus.

After Sales Service

Make sure that your customer services don’t give nightmares to the buyers. Reply to each and query immediately. Solving a query is secondary action, but a prompt reply is the primary one and shall be executed at once.

eBay Listing Template Design

Update your listings layout and interface if not attracting the buyers. Get professional’s help, research latest designs that are trending online.

Listing templates for eBay store is directly linked with your conversions. How? Well, an interactive store design with multi-functions will facilitate buyers to buy and buy more and ultimately drag loads of traffic on your store.

Read the upcoming part of the blog series to know more.